Video Services

Video Email

Increase Your Open Rates While Closing More Business!

With SWAT Video you can increase your open rate and close more business by getting noticed. With just a few clicks, you can personalize your message and record a custom call-to-action while tracking your engagement from our dashboard. If you want to stand out and separate yourself from your competition,  start your 14-day FREE Trial today.

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Cut through the Inbox Clutter and GET NOTICED.

Simply Record & Send

Creating and Sending Video Emails has Never Been Easier with SWAT Video. Simply Record & Send

SWAT Video will deliver your video email directly into your recipient’s inbox making you Stand Out!

Everyone knows how important it is to get your message noticed and then hopefully read. According to Statista, there will be approximately 320 billion emails sent daily in 2021. This number will continue to grow exponentially each year which will only make it more difficult to get through the inbox clutter. The average email open rate is approximately 21.3% a slight decrease from prior year.

Our Video Email Provides

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Video Email Now!